Reported Speach sirve para informar lo que alguien más ha dicho. Tambien usamos reported speech para decir a los demás lo que otras personas: dicen, piensan, creen, quieren o preguntan en inglés. No se usa el modal auxiliar "do" ni el signo de interrogación en preguntas indirectas.
Supongamos que trabajas en un call center en el area de ventas y un cliente llama porque olvidó su contraseña. Dado que tu trabajo es solo vender, debes contactar al departamento de soporte técnico y contar con lujo de detalles todo lo que el cliente dijo:
Cliente: "estoy llamando por no recuerdo mi contraseña, cuando intento recuperarla, el sistema dice que mi usuario está bloqueado y que mi correo no existe".
Tú contactas al de soporte técnico y le dices: "tengo un cliente en la línea que dice, que olvidó su contraseña, dice que ha intentado recuperarla pero que el sistema bloqueó la cuenta porque su correo estaba incorrecto".
Creo que ya te disté cuenta que el cliente reporto casi todo en presente y que cuando tú le contaste al chico de soporte tuviste que cambiar las oraciones al pasado. En inglés también hacemos lo mismo y hacemos usos de algunas reglas que te facilitan la vida al momento de reportar historias en inglés.
Para poder a responder en una entrevista de trabajo a la pregunta, "What is your favorite movie and why?", tendrás que usar el reported speech para contar lo que sucedió en la película.
Hay muchos verbos en inglés para reportar lo dice otra persona. Por lo general estos verbos se usan tanto en pasado como en presente: heard, say, said, mentioned, asked, told, explained, wanted, wondered, etc.
- I heard that someone was getting promoted.
- Bill told me you are going back to school.
- Did she mention when she is coming back?
- He asked me what time it was.
- He wanted to know when we would be arriving.
- She explained why she hadn't come.
- He told me he was not hungry
- She asked her if I was tired
- She told me not to come = she said that I should not come.
- He told us to hurry up = He said that we needed to hurry.
- They asked us to pay soccer = They asked if we could pay soccer.
- He thinks he loves her.
- I'll tell her you are coming.
- He has said he'll do it.
Reglas para reportar historias inglés (reported speech)
Vamos a aplicar estas reglas para informar lo que alguien ha dicho.
El presente simple (do/does) lo cambiamos al pasado simple.
- Sally said, "I like pizza".
- Ahora supongamos que una tercera persona nos pregunta sobre qué fue lo que dijo Sally (What did she say?)
- Puedes contestar de la siguiente manera. She said (that) she liked pizza. Puedes notar que cumplimos con la regla de cambiar el verbo de presente simple a pasado simple.
El pasado simple (did) lo cambiamos a pasado perfecto (had) en reported speech.
- Mike said, "I went to New York City".
- What did he say?
- He said (that) he had gone to New York City.
- Michael said, "I'm taking swimming classes".
- What did he say?
- He said (that) He was taking swimming classes".
- Zanyer said, "I have been to california".
- What did he say?
- Zanyer said (that) He had been to california.
- John said, "I had talked to my neighbor".
- What did he say?
- John said (that) he had talked with his neighbor.
- Staci said, "I will buy a new house".
- What did he say?
- Staci said (that) she would buy a new house.
- She can't come for the weekend
- What did he say?
- She said she couldn't come for the weekend
- She said the train doesn't stop here.
- She said the train didn't stop here.
- He said he likes Jenny.
- He said he liked Jenny.
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