Usamos la frase “no longer” en inglés para mostrar que hemos dejado de hacer algo. si quisiéramos decir: "Ella ya no trabaja aquí", "Ya no los necesitaba", "yo ya no vivo ahí". Observe los ejemplos usando la frase no longer en inglés.
No longer Significa "ya no..."
- I no longer work downtown.
I don’t work downtown anymore. - That shop no longer serves free coffee.
That shop does not serve free coffee anymore. - He no longer lives there.
He does not live there anymore. - The course is no longer offered.
The course is not offered anymore.
La frase "no longer" en inglés suele ir antes del verbo principal. Suele ir después del primer verbo auxiliar o verbo modal. Si ambos están presentes, va después del primer verbo modal.
Antes del verbo principal (un verbo)
Simple Present
I no longer play tennis.
She no longer lives here.
By 2003, I no longer lived there.
Después de auxiliar o modal (dos verbos)
He is no longer coming.
I can no longer accept this.
Después modal, antes del auxiliar (tres verbos)
He may no longer be living here.
As of today, we will no longer be accepting paper money.
la frase rara vez se usa en forma de preguntas, pero rara vez aparece.
Doesn’t Bob work here anymore?
Does Bob no longer work here? (Shocked at the possibility.)
La frase se utiliza a veces para preguntar sobre una posibilidad.
A: Is he no longer coming?
B: Yes, he is still coming. / No, not anymore.
A: Is the meeting no longer happening?
B: Yes, it is still on. / No, not anymore. It was canceled.
Still es lo opuesto a “not anymore” y “no longer”. También se suele utilizar para mostrar comparaciones.
- He no longer works here, but she still does.
- I no longer play tennis, but my wife still does.
- I still speak with my uncle, but my brother no longer does. They had a falling out.
Still se usa a menudo en preguntas. Observe las siguientes formas de responder a la pregunta.
- Do you still play tennis?
- Yes, I still do.
- No, not anymore.
- Do you still have that old bicycle?
- Yes, I do.
- No, I no longer have it.
- Do you still hang out with Bob?
- Yes, all the time.
- Not so much anymore.
- Do you still play futsal on Tuesday nights?
- Yes, we still do.
- Not anymore.
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