Usamos 'sujeto + was/were + going to + verbo base' para hablar en inglés de un plan futuro que fue cancelado. Muchas veces teníamos pensado realizar ciertas actividades, pero por algún motivo se tuvieron que aplazar o posponer. En este post te voy a enseñar como usar la estructura o patrón para formar oraciones.
Was going to / Were going to - significa "iba"
Si por ejemplo quieres decir: "Yo iba a ir al banco, pero estaba cerrado", "Yo iba a comprar un carro", "Ella se iba casar conmigo", "Ellos iban a ganar el partido", etc. En inglés nos vamos a apoyar del pasado del verbo to be (was/were). Observa algunos ejemplos para que puedas comprender mejor.
Estructura 'sujeto + was/were + going to + verbo base'
- I was going to walk home, but it started raining. Iba a caminar a casa, pero empezó a llover.
- We were going to have a meeting at 2pm, but it was canceled. Íbamos a tener una reunión a las 2 de la tarde, pero fue cancelada.
- They were going to go to the beach, but they had to work. Iban a ir a la playa, pero tenían que trabajar.
- He was going to start a new job in the summer, but he got sick. Iba a empezar un nuevo trabajo en el verano, pero se enfermó.
- I was going to make a cup of tea, but we were out of tea.
- She was going to watch television but decided to sleep instead.
- They were going to play tennis until it started raining.
- They were going to get married, but their parents forbade it.
Como ya haz de saber si has leído mis posts anteriores, el sujeto puede ser cualquier pronombre personal o bien un nombre de persona, animal o cosa. Puedes usar nuestra lista de verbos en nuestra web principal, los verbos tienen su respectiva pronunciación y significado.
Oraciones negativas
- We were going to leave, but we decided to stay until the end.
- I wasn’t going to eat the cake, but it looks too tasty.
- She wasn't going to take the job, but in the end, she needed the money.
Preguntas Wh-word + was/were + subject + going to + base verb?
- Where was he going to go?
- What was she going to do?
- Was he going to go to the authorities?
- Were we going to tell them the good news?
- Were you going to eat the last slice of cake?
¡Consejo de pronunciación! Cuando hablamos, a menudo decimos "gonna" en lugar de "going to". Al escribir, utilice siempre "going to", ya que es más apropiado.
- We were gonna go get a cup of coffee.
- They were gonna go speak to the manager.
- I was gonna ask if you watched that movie.
- They were gonna hire more staff, but the economy got bad.
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